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Our Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Dinglewell Junior School’s Governing Body

On behalf of the Governors, welcome to Dinglewell Junior School. Our role is to ensure that the school meets its commitment to provide the best possible education for all of its pupils within a stimulating, secure and happy environment. We bring a wide range of skills and experience from a variety of backgrounds, supporting the school but also monitoring performance and challenging the school's leadership team to keep standards high.


The Role of the Governing Body

We will contribute most effectively in supporting the school in its aim to raise the educational achievement of all its pupils, by focusing on four roles:

  • to provide a strategic view of where the school is heading.
  • to act as a critical friend by providing support and advice to the school.
  • to hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of the education it provides.
  • to oversee financial performance by setting the budget, monitoring expenditure against the budget, ensuring money is well spent and is value for money, ensuring risks are managed.


Governing Body Structure

Our structure is 11 Governors in total -

  • 1 Headteacher
  • 1 LA Governor
  • 5 Co-opted Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 3 Parent Governors


The Full Governing Body meets 4 times a year, the Finance & Personnel Committee meets 6 times a year, and both the Curriculum and Standards Committee and the Buildings and Premises Committee meet 3 times a year. All governors must attend the FGB meetings, and are invited to attend all Curriculum and Standards meetings. Governors sit on various committees and panels.


Details are below in Meet our Governors.


Meet our Governors

Gary Ridgway: Chair of Governors

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Committees & Panels: Curriculum & Standards and Finance & Personnel

Responsibilities: Assessment and Target Setting, Safeguarding & Looked After Children, Pupil Premium and Performance Management of Headteacher and Clerk, Governor Training & Development & Induction and GDPR, and More Able, Gifted & Talented children

Subject Monitoring Role: Maths

Term of Office: 08/02/21 - 07/02/25 (Chair from 13/09/23 - 12/09/24)

Date of Appointment: 08/02/17


  • Year 23/24 - 100% (C&S - 100%, F&P - 100%, FGB - 100%)
  • Year 22/23 - 69% (C&S - 0%, F&P - 83%, FGB - 100%)
  • Year 21/22 - 71% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 0%, FGB - 100% and F&P - 75%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Joanne Kingsbury-Elia: Chair of Curriculum & Standards

Category: Local Authority Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Committees & Panels: Curriculum & Standards and Finance & Personnel


Subject Monitoring Role: RE & PSHE

Term of Office: 18/09/23 - 17/09/27

Date of Appointment: 04/10/19 (Former Parent Governor from 04/10/19 - 17/09/23)


  • Year 23/24 - 7% (C&S - 100%, F&P - 67%, FGB - 75%)
  • Year 22/23 - 53% (C&S - 67%, FGB - 50%, F&P - 50%)
  • Year 21/22 - 89% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100% and FGB - 75%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Natalie Coates:

Category: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parent Body

Committees & Panels: Buildings & Premises and Curriculum & Standards

Responsibilities: None

Subject Monitoring Role: English and PE

Term of Office: 22/10/20 - 21/10/24

Date of Appointment: 22/10/20


  • Year 23/24 - 70% (B&P - 33%, C&S - 67%, FGB - 100%)
  • Year 22/23 - 80% (C&S - 100%, FGB - 50%, B&P - 100%)
  • Year 21/22 - 82% (C&S - 100%, FGB - 75% and F&P - 80%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Husband on Resources Committee of FGB at Dinglewell Infant School

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Stephen Giles: Vice Chair and Chair of Finance & Personnel Committee

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Committees & Panels: Curriculum & Standards and Finance & Personnel and Chair of Pay Panel

Responsibilities: Curriculum Lead

Subject Monitoring Role: History and Geography

Term of Office: 23/06/21 - 22/06/25

Date of Appointment: 23/06/21


  • Year 23/24 - 69% (C&S - 67%, F&P - 67%, FGB - 75%)
  • Year 22/23 - 77% (C&S - 33%, FGB - 100%, F&P - 83%)
  • Year 21/22 - 91% (C&S - 100%, FGB - 75% and F&P - 100%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Geraldine Brogan: Headteacher

Committees & Panels: Buildings & Premises, Curriculum & Standards and Finance & Personnel

Date of Appointment: 2016

Responsibilities: Assessment and Eco Schools & Global Learning


  • Year 23/24 - 100% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100%, F&P - 100%, FGB - 100%)
  • Year 22/23 - 100% (C&S - 100%, FGB - 100%, B&P - 100%, F&P - 100%)
  • Year 21/22 - 100% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100%, FGB - 100% and F&P - 100%)


Charys Bailyes

Category: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parent Body

Committees & Panels: Buildings & Premises and Curriculum & Standards

Responsibilities: None

Subject Monitoring Role: French

Term of Office: 13/10/23 - 12/10/27

Date of Appointment: 13/10/23


  • Year 23/24 - 100% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100% & FGB - 100%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Carly Carslake

Category: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parent Body

Committees & Panels: Buildings & Premises and Curriculum & Standards

Responsibilities: Health and Safety

Subject Monitoring Role: Music and Science

Term of Office: 12/10/21 - 11/10/25

Date of Appointment: 12/10/21


  • Year 23/24 - 90% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100%, FGB - 75%)
  • Year 22/23 - 90% (C&S - 67%, FGB - 100%, B&P - 100%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Susan Davis: Chair of Buildings & Premises Committee

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Committees & Panels: Buildings & Premises, Curriculum & Standards, Exclusions Panel and Finance & Personnel

Responsibilities: SEND and Performance Management of Headteacher, and Safeguarding and Looked After Children, and More Able, Gifted & Talented.

Subject Monitoring Role: None

Term of Office: 17/09/23 - 16/09/27

Date of Appointment: 17/09/1999


  • Year 23/24 - 100% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100%, F&P - 100%, FGB - 100%)
  • Year 22/23 - 94% (C&S - 67%, FGB - 100%, B&P - 100%, F&P - 100%)
  • Year 21/22 - 100% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100%, FGB - 100% and F&P - 100%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Victoria Halford

Category: Staff Governor

Appointed by: Staff Body

Committees & Panels: Curriculum & Standards

Responsibilities: None

Subject Monitoring Role: None

Term of Office: 09/09/23 - 08/09/27

Date of Appointment: 09/09/19


  • Year 23/24 - 43% (C&S - 33%, FGB - 50%)
  • Year 22/23 - 71% (C&S - 67%, FGB - 75%)
  • Year 21/22 - 67% (C&S - 100% and FGB - 50%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Jennifer Hayward

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body

Committees & Panels: Buildings & Premises and Curriculum & Standards

Responsibilities: None

Subject Monitoring Role: Art and DT

Term of Office: 07/12/23 - 06/12/27

Date of Appointment: 07/12/23


  • Year 23/24 - 86% (B&P - 100%, C&S - 100% & FGB - 67%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Staff

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


Liam Moynihan

Category: Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Staff Body

Committees & Panels: Curriculum & Standards and Finance & Personnel

Responsibilities: None

Subject Monitoring Role: Computing

Term of Office: 07/12/23 - 06/12/27

Date of Appointment: 07/12/23


  • Year 23/24 - 56% (C&S - 0%, F&P - 50% and FGB - 100%)

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None


    Miss Taryn Doolin, Clerk to the Governors was appointed 01/03/18.

    Tanya Naylor, Deputy Headteacher and Sarah Ball, School Business Manager attend most meetings.


    Andy Barnet, Site Manager attends Buildings & Premises Committee meetings (as required) and is the school's Health & Safety Representative.


    Kate Hazell, the School's Curriculum Lead, attends the Curriculum & Standards meetings (as required).



    There are a number of panels, which are outlined below:


    Pay Panel

    The Chair of Finance & Personnel Committee must sit on this panel, plus 2 other governors (TBA). Chair of Governors, staff governors and the Headteacher do not sit on this panel.


    Exclusions Panel

    Three governors (TBA) sit on this panel. Staff governors do not sit on this panel.


    Appeals Panel

    Three governors (TBA) sit on this panel. Chair of Governors, staff governors and the Headteacher do not sit on this panel.


    Performance Management of Headteacher

    Chair or Vice Chair of Governors, plus 1 experienced governor (TBA). Staff governors do not sit on this panel.


    Performance Management of Clerk

    This is conducted by the Chair of Governors.


    Former Governors (last 12 months)

    Jane Windscheffel

    Category: Co-opted Governor

    Appointed by: Governing Body

    Date of Appointment: 09/09/20

    Resigned: 11/09/23


    Judith Symons

    Category: Co-opted Governor

    Appointed by: Governing Body

    Date of Appointment: 01/09/14

    Resigned: 05/09/23


    The first FGB Meeting of 24/25 will be on Wednesday 11th September 2024 at 6.00pm.


    Committee Meeting dates 23/24

    Full Governing Board Meetings:



    29/04/24 (moved from March)

    25/06/24 (moved from 19/06/24)


    Building and Premises Committee Meetings:





    Curriculum and Standards Committee Meetings:





    Finance and Personnel Committee Meetings:

    24/10/23 (moved from 10/10/23)

    07/12/23 (Interim Finance Mtg)


    29/04/24 (Interim Finance Mtg, moved from March)


    25/06/24 (Interim Finance Mtg, moved from 19/06/24)



      Governing Body Standing Orders 23 - 24

      Governing Body Code of Conduct 23 - 24

      • Dinglewell Junior School,
      • Dinglewell,
      • Hucclecote,
      • Gloucester,
      • GL3 3HS,
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